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John B. Cunningham PANS & PANDAS Foundation

SCITUATE, Massachusetts

The JBC Foundation is dedicated to offering hope, health, and support for children & young adults healing from PANS & PANDAS (a.k.a - Post-Infectious Autoimmune Encephalitis)

JBC provides grants to allow children and young adults with PANS/PANDAS to receive proper treatment. Regrettably, most insurance plans do not currently cover comprehensive testing & treatment for PANS/PANDAS. Far too many children & young adults are unnecessarily suffering because they cannot afford the proper testing & care required to treat this autoimmune disease. Our community continues to advocated for change to get PANS/PANDAS patients the care they require and deserve. In the meantime, our grants alleviate some of the financial burden on families who are struggling. www.jbcfund.org

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