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Convinced of the benefits sports can offer, regardless of limitations or disabilities, Jean decided to form the JEAN MAGGI FOUNDATION at the start of 2016 with a group of people he trusted. The objective of this institution is to promote movement in children and young people with motor disabilities and to provide the necessary materials for their practice such as: adapted wheelchairs and hand-bikes. Jean is a high performance athlete who, through motivational talks, accompanied by his film Himalaya Challenge, travels the country motivating others to dare to fulfill their dreams even if they seem impossible. He has been hired by companies, municipalities, economic groups and others. These motivational speeches are also the financing mechanism of the Foundation. In 2016/2017 he delivered more than one hundred wheelchairs and bicycles to assure the recipient keep moving. He has also traveled thousands of kilometers to where many people have seen his film, are familiar with his experience and seek to have his values and principles rub off on them. He has shown that any goal can be achieved with passion, dedication and discipline.

we working to change the concept the person with disability

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