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Atitlan - Installation Photovoltaic Power System

Solar installation at the Hospitalito en Atitlan Guatemala

Informationen über diesen Spendenmöglichkeit

63 % Finanziert

20.375,00 $

Gespendet von 32.000,00 $

For the development of said service/project, installation and acquisition of auxiliary electrical power generation equipment for photovoltaic systems, a period of four (4) weeks is estimated, composed of working weekdays, extended based on the time required for equipment configuration and procurement.


Emergency Preparedness

The Hospitalito in Atitlan is a key resource for the local community in case of any emergency

SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being

The hospitalito provides resources to the local community to improve their health

SDG 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production

The usage of solar power is aligned with the sustainability principles that we are promoting with Appfire Town.


Milestone Description:

Equipment: $17,000 

Solar Panels: $10,000

Labor: $5,000  

Total Fundraising Goal: $32,000


Internal Confluence Link

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Manakin, Virginia, 23103-2030, United States

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