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Classrooms for Elementary School in Rural Guatemala


The Escuelita David LaMotte has been serving the indigenous Maya community of Tzanchaj on the shores of Lake Atitlan for 20 years!
In 2004, a local man with just a 4th-grade education decided to help the children in his community by starting a preschool where children as young as 2 years old were welcomed. The school is completely free for all students with all costs covered by generous donors. This is an important asset in a community where the majority of parents are field workers earning only a few dollars a day.
The preschool grew into a kindergarten and just recently received accreditation from the Guatemalan Ministry of Education to expand to a full elementary school! With this wonderful achievement comes the need to build new classrooms for the higher grades.

All funds raised will go directly toward the construction cost with no administrative fees for Senderos, the non-profit that supports the school.

Thank you so much for helping us reach our goal!

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