Oportunidad benéfica
An opportunity to give back to a great cause!
Acerca de este Oportunidad benéfica
Gideon is a young Tanzanian raised in the Children of Destiny orphanage. His perseverance, his assertiveness, his desire to improve himself and his enormous vocation to give back to society part of what he received has led him to promote the realization of Computer Bootcamps for the most vulnerable boys and girls of Moshi, with the aim of that they can have tools to have more opportunities in life.

Causas en este Oportunidad benéfica
Cómo funcionan los donativos
Haga clic en «Donar ahora» y luego decida el importe de su donativo. Será dirigido al procesador de pagos que elija. Una vez que su donativo haya sido procesado, se enviará a la entidad benéfica de su elección.
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Consulte la lista de preguntas frecuentes o póngase en contacto con el servicio de asistencia.