Occasion de don
Classrooms for David LaMotte School
We are supporting the community school in Atitlan Guatemala with the construction of new classrooms.
À propos de cette Occasion de don
29 % Financé
28 786,70 $US
Don de 97 000,00 $USNote: Appfire Town has generously pledged to match the first $20,000 USD donated, doubling the impact of your contribution.
We are supporting the community school in Atitlan Guatemala with the construction of new classrooms so they can add more students from areas with high level of poverty. The new classrooms will be integrated to the existing building.
Fundraising Goal & Milestones:
Phase 1: Existing room refurbishing $20,000
Phase 2: New classrooms and bathroom construction
Bathroom and foundation for other clasrooms: $17,000
Classrooms: $60,000
Total Fundraising Goal: $97,000
Offre de jumelage de dons
Causes pour cette Occasion de don
Classrooms for Elementary School in Rural Guatemala par PEG PARTNERS INC
Tzanchaj, Sololá, Guatemala
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