Projekt celu
Give Ukrainian child a device to access education
przez CHILDREN OF HEROES OF UKRAINE FOUNDATIONThe program aims to provide laptops and tablets to children who have lost one or both parents due to the war in Ukraine. Many families had to leave their homes and lack resources to purchase these devices, which are essential for education, psychological sessions, and accessing information in today's Ukrainian realities. The project aimed to alleviate the burden on these families by providing them with the necessary tools for online education and participation in therapeutic and educational programs offered by the fund.
Jak działają darowizny
Kliknij przycisk Przekaż darowiznę, a następnie wybierz kwotę darowizny. Nastąpi przekierowanie do wybranego procesora płatności. Po przetworzeniu darowizny zostanie ona przekazana wybranej instytucji charytatywnej.
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