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Maui Wildfires



Our GEM BStrong team is on the ground now in Maui, Hawaii, assisting those who have been severely affected by the wildfires. Our immediate assistance will come in the form of our BStrong cash cards, which offer survivors the flexibility of purchasing whatever supplies they need most. We will also be offering Airbnb Short-term accommodation assistance, Long-term housing solutions, Rebuilding projects, and Contractor tool purchasing assistance to those who’s homes have been severely damaged or completely destroyed in the fires. We will also be offering support for pets affected. Our team will be on the ground indefinitely, ensuring that those on Maui will be given as much long-term support as needed.

GEM will now be operating from our new Maui office, which is open to assist with long-term housing applications, our BStrong cash assistance cards, and other aid.


GEM is presently offering longer term housing assistance to those who have been displaced by the Lahaina fires. In this program we are helping to alleviate housing costs to families having to move into new spaces. We will also supplying these homes with basic first needs, within our GEM Welcome Home Kits.

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