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TI- MakerSpace for migrants and young people at risk of social exclusion.

Collaborate in implementing a MakerSpace

Om den här Gåvomöjlighet

98 % Finansierad

4.772,47 €

Donerad av 4.825,56 €

Last year, we collaborated with the Don Bosco Foundation at its headquarters in Tenerife.The project consisted of furnishing a series of shelters for young migrants.During our last work session, they proposed exploring mechanisms to favor the digitalization of these profiles of young migrants or people at risk of social exclusion.This year, they have proposed an initiative to collaborate in implementing a MakerSpace where they can train their recipients in design and digital fabrication.


Dela den här gåvomöjligheten
Välgörenhetsprojekt i den här Gåvomöjlighet

Fundación Proyecto Don Bosco

Cordoba, Córdoba, 14008, Spain

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